

It's been a while kan saya tak update blog? Malas rasanya nak menaip. But now, I'm back for blogging!! I wanna share about friendship. Who in this world that dont have friends? I guess everyone does has at least one. Hey, kucing pun kira kawan awak juga okay...

Berkawan memang seronok. Kita boleh kongsi apa-apa je dengan mereka sampai keakraban kita dengan kawan tu melebihi keakraban kita dengan family, betul tak? And I am really sure that most of you have BFF. 

But, the fact that you have to know about me is I dont have BFF. I mean..yes, the real BFF. The one that be with me all the time. Seriously, I don't have!! Because I treat all classmate, roomate(?), old friends, juniors and even seniors at just the same way.

Why? Ha...let me share my old stories. Ehem..once upon a time(?), I have a best friend that really close to me. Kamcheng la kata orang kita, kan? I have had been through the precious times with her. Yeahh, I think she's the only one my friend in the world and hereafter. I love her so much.

But, langit tak selalu cerah. Our friendship didn't remain for a long time. She betrayed me by finding a new friend. I dont know why she left me just like that. I thought I never did bad things that might hurt her. It was hurting me. But then, I got a new BFF.

The same things also happen again and again for about 5 times. Then, I make a change. I dont want to have BFF anymore. I really mean it!! So, that's why I'm treating all my friends in the same way. I dont wanna get hurt anymore. 

Yet, I dont believe the term of Best Friend Forever because it never exist in my life. Having BFFs a long time ago(haha) had taught me a lesson. "Berkawan biar seribu." Yup. I really like that phrase. It really meant for me. And even I dont have BFF anymore, it doesnt mean I'm not happy. I am really happy more than the old time. To all my friends, I love all of you!! Not just for the girls, but also for the boys. ILYSM!!

True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes.

-typing stop here-

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